Ricochet is a 2D side-scrolling game. It was created with Lua on the Love framework and ported over to iOS.


The app is currently on testflight and it was approved for beta testing. If you're interested in playing for iOS, download it on testflight here.

iOS Rejection

Unfortunately, apple is pretty strict when it comes to what apps they approve and reject. After submitting my app for review, apple gave me the hammer and rejected it.

Perhaps one day, I'll be able to get it on the app store but until then, you can still play it on your desktop. All you need is Love installed. Download this love file and double click to start.


The controls for desktop are pretty simple.


Press a to move left.

Press d to move right.

Press space bar to jump.

Press l to shoot a projectile.

When prompted, you will press n to start the game or restart the game.


The map is procedurally generated and everything except for the main character is randomized. Every time you kill all the enemy slimes in a level, you start a new level and the slime enemies are increased by 1. The game can go on forever. The map gets wider the more enemies are on the map.

Enemy Slimes

The enemy slimes do a patrol of the map where they go left and right. When they sense a pit in front of them, they will attempt to jump over it. If the main character gets touched by them, he dies. If the main character shoots his projectile and it touches a slime, they die.


Your goal in the game is to make it to the highest stage you can. Shoot slimes with your projectile, don't fall in a pit and don't let them touch you.

I hope you like the game and welcome all feedback.